Prehistoric medicine
According to Marla Ahlgrimm, the people we commonly know as cavemen were actually the first “pharmacists.” By trial and error, prehistoric man learned that certain compounds, including dirt, leaves, and mud, were soothing to injuries.
Ancient China
Considered one of the first herbal healers, Chinese Emperor Shen Nung investigated and recorded the medicinal value of 365 native remedies. Nung was brought roots, barks, and herbs from all over the world and many of his findings were the foundation for modern medicinal cures, says Marla Ahlgrimm.
The Papyrus Ebers
Dating from 1500 BC, the Papyrus Ebers is a collection of greater than 800 pharmaceutical cures mentioning 700 different drugs. This Egyptian text was compiled by early pharmacists and is the first written information available on compounding.
The first trademark
Marla Ahlgrimm explains that trademarking is commonplace among worldwide pharmaceutical producers. The first trademarked drug, Terra Sigillata, originated on the island of Lemnons sometime before 500 BC. As the name suggests, Terra Sigillata means Sealed Earth. These clay tablets were dug out of a sacred hillside once a year, hand rolled, and given the impression of a local priestess.
Monastic pharmacies
By the middle ages, pharmaceutical knowledge was preserved in the monasteries. On-site scientists hand wrote manuscripts for monastery libraries. These detailed how the monks pursued such interests as gardening and compounding for the benefit of the sick and injured.
The Marshall apothecary
Marla Ahlgrimm explains that one of the first Western apothecaries, or pharmacies, was established in 1729 by Christopher Marshall. This Irish immigrant became known as the “Fighting Quaker” for his undying spirit and determination to further medicinal sciences.
Since the dawn of time, humankind has turned to medicine to cure the ailments of the ages. According to Marla Ahlgrimm, science has made remarkable advances over the last 100 years and shows no signs of slowing down.