Unfortunately, the thought of taking anxiety medication often adds to a woman’s concerns. Questions, such as “are these medications safe?” are always on an expectant mother’s mind. So, are they? Retired pharmacist Marla Ahlgrimm says yes, in most cases.
According to Marla Ahlgrimm, SSRIs, a type of drug often prescribed for anxiety, are typically considered safe. One brand-name, Zoloft, was found to have no link between certain congenital disabilities – birth defects – and prenatal intake. However, Prozac, Paxil, and a few others carried a minuscule risk. Other medications, including Cymbalta, a brand name for an SNRI medication, are also considered safe, with a very small potential link to birth defects.
Potential congenital disorders associated with certain anxiety medications include premature birth and lower than normal birth weight. However, untreated anxiety can also put a baby at risk. Marla Ahlgrimm says that women with severe anxiety may be prone to complications during delivery. Miscarriage is also more common in women with extreme anxiety.

Fortunately, Marla Ahlgrimm says that many women’s anxiety dissipates shortly after birth. As they become more comfortable in their new role as a mom, misgivings are often forgotten and replaced with the unconditional love that only a baby can bring.