Q: How does the menstrual cycle affect a woman’s oral health?
Marla Ahlgrimm: Each month, your menstrual cycle causes a spike in progesterone, a sex hormone. This can lead to swelling in the gums. During this time, your gums may be red, irritated, and they can bleed unexpectedly. Some women also experience canker sores, which are painful spots in the mouth. Hormone fluctuations throughout a woman’s life can also affect inflammation, which can potentially lead to periodontal concerns.
Q: How often should I go to the dentist?
Marla Ahlgrimm: Ideally, you can make it to your dentist twice each year for a cleaning and screening. Typically, every other visit will involve x-rays and a fluoride treatment to check for hidden issues and strengthen your teeth, respectively. Women who are pregnant may need to see their dentist more often, particularly those who are experiencing problems associated with pregnancy hormones. Pregnancy can also cause teeth to loosen slightly, which is another reason that pregnant women may wish to consult with their dentist.
Q: Does menopause affect oral health?
Marla Ahlgrimm: Absolutely. Like the menstrual cycle, there are many hormone fluctuations that go along with menopause. Low levels of estrogen can result in a dry mouth and, potentially, osteoporosis, which can loosen teeth if the jawbone becomes weak or riddle.

Q: Is poor oral hygiene associated with any health conditions?
Marla Ahlgrimm: In many ways, your oral health directs the health of your entire body. When you take care of your teeth, you reduce the chances of germs and bacteria entering the bloodstream. Further, when you do not have painful cavities or gingivitis, you are more likely to eat healthy foods, which will make your body healthy overall. Speaking of gingivitis, gum disease can actually worsen diabetes and vice versa.